Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Obama: Republicans lash "Approvaresubito my plan at work"

It's called "American Jobs Act". A few dozen pages, that Barack Obama has waved from the White House Rose Garden on the occasion of his latest speech on the job. Surrounded by war veterans, teachers, policemen, small entrepreneurs – categories that his plan would help the President said that the program "recover the Americans to work and help the economy in a time of national crisis." Could not miss a new reference to Republicans to derail the plan: "No games, no politics, no delays: the plan must be passed immediately," said Obama.

Today's appeal is part of a strategy of real political marketing that the White House – in a particularly difficult moment for Obama and Democrats – is putting in place for several weeks. The President presented his program to work last Thursday, before Congress and on live television. The "American Jobs Act" – whose total value amounted to 447 billion dollars – wants to jump-start the labour market thanks to a series of tax cuts – especially the payroll tax, payroll-deduction, investment in infrastructure and programs update and insert into the world of work.

Immediately after the speech, last Friday, Obama has left for Virginia, where he repeated his appeal for a quick approval of the plan. This week will be in Ohio and North Carolina, always with the same objective. Say to the Americans as it is urgent to pass his proposal. Prove that for the White House work (or rather, lack of work, given that the unemployment rate remains higher than the 9 percent, and in certain population groups, such as African Americans, just 17) remains at the top of its priorities.

Obama's efforts, at the time, remain mostly rhetorical. It is unclear if and how the Republicans, who control the Chamber, will enable the White House plan goes to Congress. The words of Obama, last Thursday, received a polite but cool reception from John Boehner, speaker of the House, and other Gop leaders. The difficulties of the President, who last week reached a new low in its popularity indexes, could convince the Republicans to continue in the jurisdictions and obstructionist.

From the White House today, Obama explained that the work programme will be paid with a progressive reduction of the deficit. And one of the ways to reduce it, he repeated Obama, is to pay more taxes to the rich. "The rich and corporations must pay the right taxes – said the President. And Americans do not have the luxury to wait until the next elections, which are among 14 months ". The possibility of an increase in taxes for the richest meet hostility however decided Republicans, and has therefore very likely to pass, at least before the presidential elections of November 2012.

In addition to a cut in payroll tax, and incentives for entrepreneurs who assume indefinitely, the stimulus plan Obama's employment provides other 49 billion in unemployment; 60 billion of expenditures in infrastructure (particularly the resurfacing of roads and bridges); 25 billion for the modernization of schools, and 35 billion for salaries of teachers and police officers.

Identified the killer of Romero, the San Salvador vescovodi awkward scheme

Find peace, 30 years after his death, monsignor Oscar Arnulfo Romero, the Archbishop of San Salvador killed while celebrating mass on March 24, 1980. Peace, but not justice. According to the Salvadoran newspaper Diario CoLatino was identified the killer who, with a sniper rifle, freddò Romero on the altar while up the host. It is Marine Samayoa Acosta, sottosergente of the second section of the now abolished the "National Guard". The revelations emerged are heavy and call into question the responsibility of the State apparatuses. Responsibility that always have hovered over the crime, but never, until now, had been proven. Romero's killer was, at that time, a member of the security of the President, Colonel Arturo Armando Molina. And, according to the diary, it would have been the son of Molina, Mario, to provide the Hitman to delete a Bishop became too uncomfortable, for his complaints against the regime. To give the revelation, it would have been the major Roberto D'aubuisson, founder of the death squads and principal of the murder, which confirms a "murder". Those of high rank because, if it is true that at the time of the civil war more than 200 activists were killed or disappeared, the killing of one of the leaders of the National Catholic Church has a meaning quite different.

It is true that last year, in the 30 anniversary of the death of Romero, President of El Salvador, Mauricio Funes, is officially apologized for the crime. The leaders acknowledged that "the death squads have acted under cover, collaboration, acquiescence or participation of agents of the State". It was illegal armed groups that terrorized the population in the years of civil war (1980-1992). Illegal form, legalized and legitimized by the State in substance. According to the "Truth Commission" which investigated crimes committed during the civil war, "there is plenty of evidence on the involvement of the late Roberto D'aubuisson, founder of the Nationalist Republican Alliance (ARENA), right-wing party that has ruled the country between 1989 and June 2009. Now there is also the name of the murderer.

There are other responsibilities and other international support. Remind to us President Barack Obama, who visited the tomb of Romero in March this year, is the missionary Roy Bourgeois, which revealed many years ago as the killer of Romero and members of the squadrons were trained in the Institute for Security Cooperation in the Western Hemisphere, known internationally as "School of the Americas (Soa). The missionary, founded the "Soa Watch" nonviolent Observatory, which calls for the closure of the infamous Soa Institute, which has trained military and paramilitary in support of dictatorships or regimes in Argentina, Chile, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Colombia. President Obama's visit to the tomb of Romero, then, seemed an opportunity to bring out the truth and to recognize the u.s. responsibility (at least indirect) in the massacres of the civil war. So it was not. No public fine from the US President.

"Justice is not of this world", and the rulers of Salvador knows well. They knew when they approved an amnesty on crimes committed in the civil war. In the 1993 Parliament of the Central American country, at the suggestion of President Alfredo Cristiani (always party Arena), decided to grant amnesty to culprits: a sponge on the massacres of the regime, priests and bishops were killed in churches, on peasants gunned down in the streets. In spite of the Un report that accused the military and guerrillas to be responsible for a long series of massacres go unpunished and he accused the military and Supreme Court judges suspected of having obstructed the course of justice.

Also justice unearthly language, in the case of Romero. Thirty years after his death, the story and the martyrdom of Romero are critics and opponents even in the Vatican, always distrustful Latin American priests and bishops too active in social and political arena. According to some reports, a few months before his martyrdom, the 7 May 1979, Romero had presented to John Paul II a dossier on human rights violations in his country, but his complaint was upheld by the Pope with the laconic invitation to "have better relations with its Government." Pope Ratzinger and nothing has changed. For years the Church, on the missionary world – the "progressive" – of the ecclesial community celebrates the day of missionary martyrs 24 March, the day of the death of Romero. The cause of beatification of Bishop (iter to proclaim the Holiness), launched in 1997, it remains stranded in who knows what obstacles. Romero is "servant of God" but despite the efforts of Bishop Vincenzo Paglia, "his lawyer on Earth", the Congregation for the causes of Saints seem to do still make ears by merchant.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Usa, commemorations for the September 11, Bush and Obama together at Ground Zero

Ten years after the attack on the twin towers, America honors its victims. The first to do so are members of the US national rugby union team, who are in New Zealand for the start of the World Championship. The mass of suffrage follows a minute of silence in the field, before the start of the race with Ireland. Then American players take the field wearing a black arm band. President Barack Obama, who yesterday went in Arlington National Cemetery, the graves of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, send American citizens his message via radio and on you tube: "America today is stronger. And al-Qaida is on the road to defeat ". At the end of the ceremony at Ground Zero the US President said his staff was "strongly impressed" by the celebration and "particularly moved" from the reading of the names of the victims by the family. US Vice President Joe Biden, went instead to Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where he fell the United Airlines Flight 93, which according to the intent of terrorists – would have to hit a symbol of American democracy, Congress.

Follow the Chronicle of celebrations:

16.43-Obama leaves the ceremony still going to go to Jfk airport in New York. Accompanied by his wife, will go to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to reach the site where Flight 93 crashed on United Airlines

16.32 – Paul Simon sings the famous "Sound of silence" to close the ceremony at Ground Zero

16.03-Ground Zero still in silence to remember the collapse of the South Tower of World Trade Center. It was the second to be affected, from 145 United Airlines flight, but the first to collapse. Then it starts reading the names of the victims, some pairs of family. Also a voice resonates in English: "Laura ti voglio tanto bene, you're always in my heart".

16.01 – in front of the Pentagon a minute's silence at 09.37 am local time, recalled the victims of the third plane hijacked, and crashed into the building. The ceremony is presided over by vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, with the participation of 187 families of victims. Obama will come later for the deposition of a Crown.

15.35 – among the applause, the former President Bush read a piece by Abraham Lincoln on the dead for the cause in the American civil war. Comparing the speeches of Bush and Obama, the first was applauded as the current President. The victims ' families have entered the Memorial at Ground Zero: many have tried the name of their loved ones written on the Stone Edge surrounding the large cascade in memory of the victims. Some stopped to caress the hand engraved name on the stone or have it repeat with pencil on a piece of paper.

14.48 – First moment of silence to remember the crash of the first aircraft against the North Tower of World trade Center. Were 8.46.

14.46-the ceremony began with the sound of bagpipes and the national anthem sung by a choir of young Brooklyn, all dressed in a blue and white, the colours chosen to symbolize the Memorial. The American President has read the Psalm 146 of the Bible: "we will have no fear. He makes wars cease until the end of the Earth: breaks the bow and shatters the spear, burn with fire-wagons ".

14.30 – Obama, Bush and their wives (all in black dress) wait in silence in front of the waterfall Memorial of 11 September.

14.14-Barack Obama, George w. Bush, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Governors Chris Christie and Andrew Cuomo, the former New York Governor George Pataki and former mayor Rudolph Giuliani arrived at Ground Zero, where the ceremony will begin with the list of names and surnames of the victims (2,752 persons, 90 different nationalities). The reading of names will be interrupted by four moments of silence, four minutes of silence at the two impacts on the towers and their collapse. There is no official discourse, but read some poems.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Libya still clashes in Bani Walid rebels prepare for the onslaught of Sirte

Clashes between insurgents and troops of Muammar al-Gaddafi in the conquering of Bani Walid and Sirte. According to Cnt TV, Lybia anti-Gaddafi forces this morning attacked Bani Walid, going up to the city centre. Then you are withdrawn to allow Nato to bomb the positions of the militia of rais. An Envoy of Ansa reported fighting between the rebels and gheddafiani to about fifty kilometres from Sirte: loyalists are responding to the insurgents with a rain of missiles grad and mortar. According to hospital sources, there would be three dead.

Meanwhile there are riots and clashes also in other cities anti-gheddafiane and rivals between them in the South of Libya: twelve people have died and others were injured in clashes between fighters of Gharyane and Kikla and those of Al-Assabaa.

Yesterday the President of the Transitional National Council, Abdel Jalil, has returned to Tripoli for the first time since the beginning of the fighting. Received by a huge crowd and an audience of diplomats: the number two of the Cnt, the interim premier Mahmoud Jibril, and several other members, in addition to representatives of countries that have recognized the new rebel authorities. Including the Consul of Italy, Guido de Sanctis, which he called "extremely important" visit Jalil: "it was a move that had to do, so that even in Tripoli, the population could confirm to be satisfied with his leadership." The President will have the task of provisional write off divergences, increasingly, between the different factions of rebels ".

Egypt, protesters return in piazza TahirMa the testbench are elections by January

"Correct way". This is the slogan of the event of 9 September organised by young Egyptian revolutionary parties, liberal and reformist, to restore the post-revolution period on the ' right way '. The Tahrir square, after the break for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, was launched mainly to ask the Supreme Council of the armed forces that help the country after the release of Hosni Mubarak – to put an end to the military against civilians. ' Change, freedom and social justice are key words in recurring banners displayed in what now is known as "square of liberation".

The demands of the protesters are essentially two: the definition of a roadmap for the transfer of power by the Supreme Council of the armed forces to a civilian Government and changing the electoral law. With respect to the latter, presented a couple of months ago by the military Council, activists suspect that encourages members of the former party now dissolved the former rais because it provides that a part of the seats are allocated on the basis of lists.

As on other occasions, the Muslim Brotherhood and the new Islamist parties have not taken part in the event because, according to their latest statements, the country's priorities are the economy and the legislative elections "which you should keep in November.

The armed forces, led by Hussein Tantawi, launched during the previous days a warning signal, posting on their Facebook page a communiqué in which, while claiming to respect the right of people to demonstrate peacefully, warn from attacking Government structures. The Interior Minister has also published on his account, always in the famous social network, the agreement with the protesters: "the military will leave the square from 12 on Thursday, but the event must be dispersed within Friday at sunset". The decision, according to the law, was not disclosed as evidence that the Minister "shall respect the right to a peaceful demonstration on the part of citizens and freedom of expression as one of the main results obtained after the revolution of January."

Midday prayers were conducted by the imam Mazhar Shain. The sermon of Imam is clear and leaves no room for misunderstandings: "citizens must be tried in civil courts and not in military processes". His statements followed long applause.

The 9 September was also the national day of farmers. Thousands of peasants have arrived with the Cairo International Stadium to celebrate this commemoration organized by the Government. But the independent farmers ' Union has boycotted the initiative to follow protests from young revolutionaries. They organised a March from the Ministry of agriculture is returned then to Tahrir. In the early afternoon arrived in the square, followed by a long procession, Weal Ghonim, marketing manager at Google, creator of the facebook page ' We are all Khaled Said, considered one of the leaders of the revolution of 25 January. According to some testimonies, the slogan of the square against the military junta are the most aggressive. Some demonstrators also praise the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, probably due to the recent opposition to Israel. And right at the Israeli Embassy there was another group, perhaps the most ' hot ', but the area – heavily guarded by police-was well protected. Another tense situation is created in front of the Ministry of the Interior, where many demonstrators gathered by early afternoon. Overall the marches were peaceful and well organised.

Now, however, all eyes are on next months elections in November, which will be the real test after the revolution of January.

Joan Loccatelli

Previous to this articoloEgitto, assault on the Israeli Embassy
Three dead, over 1,000 wounded

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sudan, blitz to liberate Azzarà Thirteen policemen killed, other wounded thirty

Francesco Azzarà, Italian Emergency operator kidnapped in SudanTredici policemen were killed and 30 others were injured during a clash with an armed gang in Darfur for the release of three hostages. At first it was thought that among them there was also the Emergency operator Francesco Azzarà, kidnapped last August 14, as he reported, citing police sources, the sudanese daily Al-Ahdath. News first denial from Foreign Ministry, then by the same humanitarian organization. "We do not show that the blitz with the release of our colleague," said the President's Emergency Cecilia road.

The blitz, as stated by the spokesman of the agents, Ahmed al-Tughani, occurred Thursday in the eastern region of Jebel Marra, against "a group of bandits and rebels". But the policeman did not provide information about the identity of the three hostages.Moments of concern on the part of the family of cooperating, as the Member of the Pd Franco Laratta who met the parents, "but then when came the Foreign Ministry's denial, tempers are peaceful manner".Azzarà had been seized in Nyala, capital of South Darfur, while in the car heading to the airport. From the initial investigations had revealed that the hostages could have been transferred to Jebel Marra. The collaborator of the Association was in its second humanitarian mission in Darfur. Works for Emergency for a year and in recent days, the organization founded by Gino Strada and the vice governor of southern Sudan Abdul Karim Moussa had reported to have its news and did you know that old was fine. But when it comes to the clash of yesterday, the Governor of the region belies the Reuters that among the hostages were also Azzarà. from this morning a large photo of Azzarà is exposed in front of the balcony of the palazzo del Consiglio comunale in Naples. The initiative, promoted by Mayor Luigi De Magistris and City Council President Raymond Pasquino, wants to witness the solidarity of the Administration in respect of the family of cooperating and also towards the Association led by Gino Strada "which operates in the poorest areas of the planet".

The Turkey will escort militarmentele ships carrying aid to Gaza

"We have to send humanitarian aid to Gaza and our aid will no longer be attacked as happened with the Flotilla. So the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan Ankara opened a potentially explosive speech: "warships will have the task of protecting the Turkish boats carrying aid to Gaza". Erdogan did not state dates or deadlines for this decision and it is not clear whether we have convoys ready to head to Gaza. Clear is the meaning of political challenge to Israel, riaccesasi after the last week, the report that concluded the work of the Commission appointed by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon to make clarity on events related to the Freedom Flotilla, boarded by Israeli commandos in international waters in May 2010.

Very cautious, so far, the Israeli Government's reaction to the new Turkish threats. Dan Meridor, Israel's Minister for intelligence, told Israeli military radio that "it is better to sit quietly and wait, we have no interest in aggravating the situation by replying to these verbal attacks".

The report of the Commission chaired by former New Zealand Prime Minister Geoffrey Palmer, determined that in their boarding the Flotilla – flagship of direct humanitarian aid convoy to Gaza to defy the Israeli embargo – Israeli commandos fired in self-defense, because they have met with "violent resistance and organized" by some passengers of the ship. But he also determined that the Israeli Government's decision to board the flotilla so far from the waters where the block is in force and with such force, was "unreasonable and excessive." The blitz has cost the lives of a US citizen of Turkish origin and eight activists of the pro-Palestinian Turks, IHH religious Ngo. An organization that, according to the report, "remain strong doubts" about the real purpose.

The Commission Palmer, however, had also recommended to Israel "an adequate expression of regret" to victims of the blitz and agree to pay compensation to the families of the victims to be paid to a trust fund administered jointly by the two Governments. The Turkey has repeatedly asked Israel to respect this indication, but the Government led by premier Benyamin Netanyahu has decided not to do so. According to the Israeli press on the eve of the dissemination of the report Palmer there has also been a meeting of the eight most important Government Ministers who voted on whether or not to apologize to Turkey. Four, including the holder of defence Ehud Barak, have said yes and four have said no. Netanyahu did not vote but its position, contrary to the apology, was already known.

After the publication of the report, the Turkish Government decided to lower the level of diplomatic relations with Israel and expel the Israeli Ambassador in Ankara. Last week, the Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu announced as retaliation for the freezing of all contracts of war – Turkey and Israel were excellent partners for the defence-related industries and military cooperation agreements, and has arrived to threaten to block all trade between the two countries. According to a recent estimate of the Israeli Chamber of Commerce, in the first eight months of 2011, trade with Turkey – booming economy with GDP growth over the 10 per cent-grew by 40 percent compared to 2010 and arrived at 950 million dollars.

Davutoglu had also said that Turkey was committed to bring down the most controversial topic of Palmer, who in his report argued that the Israeli naval blockade against Gaza is legal, because Israel "legitimately" may prevent the sea gets weapons for Palestinian armed groups. From the words of Erdogan, however, it appears that the full rise in Turkey as analogue country for the new democratic movements, has no intention to attempt a test of strength in the Eastern Mediterranean before looking for legal ways to get to the end of the Israeli blockade on Gaza.

The Commission concluded the report inviting Palmer, the two countries to resume normal diplomatic relations "in the interest of stability in the Middle East and international security". Is a Council that so far remains unheard.

No Government and country vaLa magic formula of Belgium

There is a village in the heart of this Europe suffering that if la cava better than the other. Its public deficits is clear improvement: the era of 4.6 in 2010, 2011, 3.6 in 2.8 will be in 2012. Its growth is above average in 2010 was the 2 percent against the euro zone, 1.7 in the first quarter of this year was of 1 per cent against the 0.8 and the trend continues. Collapses the Italy Greece, trembles, even France feels collapse the ground under their feet and Germany walking on eggs. But Belgium offers no digits virtuous and industrious behaviour. Those of & Standard Poor's are frustrated: they had ready the thumbs down, but they had to put his hand in his pocket. What is the secret of Belgium? Simple, is to say: is Government by the beauty of 452 days ago. A power that not even the Iraq after the war, there began to form an Executive 289. Belgium is thus the acephalous but not paralysed. No institution, no stroke of palsy public machine, no out-of-control mechanism. Pensions are paid regularly, punctually garbage collections, (almost) normally treated patients and guarantee public order, decently. Trains are a bit late, but this always. That good Government is no Government?

In truth there is Government, led by Yves Leterme. Is there since 13 June 2010, which was election day. Would treat the "current business" for a few weeks in anticipation of an Executive fully legitimate politician, son of the polls. As you know, the situation shall be packed: in Flanders the Flemish separatist party N-Va had came close to 30 percent, and others did not find a point of mediation. While Yves Leterme served as a "Regent", opened a parallel negotiation which lasts to this day, given the political intelligence of Elio Di Rupo, a Socialist Italian-Walloon. Under his leadership, occasionally gather around a table eight party leaders. Without haste, for charity.
Last week, for example, the meeting was skipped because the Green Jean-Michel Javaux, who is also Mayor of the pleasant town of Amay, must imperatively attend City Council was to vote for the purchase of a new machine for fire and a new computer, mica bubbole. Di Rupo has a month to finish. After that, or gives birth to a new Executive which will be the Prime Minister (the first Walloon-speaking by 32 years, and also the first homosexual declared at the Summit in a European country), or you return to the polls.

As you see, is not missing the Government in the strict sense. Rather the game lacks political parties, confined by one and a half years in the room of the eight leaders. Consequently lacks the parliamentary conflict in all its glory, which in Italy we know well. The Regency of Yves Leterme will also be a weak point for democracy, but involves some benefits. First: Ministerial expenses are reduced to a minimum. Second: the Regent Prime Minister works on shelter by parliamentary bickering between Walloons and Flemings, can then operate on the basis of common sense and not to the point of mediation. Third: the same Leterme is exempted from the adoption of measures elettoralistico, and was able to present a financial unpolluted (for understood, no corporate assatanati amendments: localistici or also in Italy we know them well).

At the same time, the premier can play without a care tasks within the jurisdiction of the Federal Government, Regent or less which is: has chaired the European Union in the second half of last year, and has also shipped some F-16 in Libya with the unanimous approval of Parliament.Foreign Affairs and defence, such as social security, 95 per cent of the taxation, addresses economic, telecommunications, in short everything that touches the "national interest", is the responsibility of the Central Government. The rest, it's good to know, is entrusted with five other Governments, regional and community. Is federalism that holds the Belgian corpaccione, or at least that ensures an easy survival by 452 days ago. It puts him at the shelter, however, from a possible evaporation State and policy of Yugoslavia, even in the absence of armed conflict. It would be the task of political forces, now in mothballs. But that's another story, neither administrative nor accounting officer.

from The daily event of September 8, 2011

Previous to this articoloBelgio, the "flood" of Flanders
point to the secessioneBelgio, the Socialists try to form
the Government (which is missing for a year)

In Gaza opens the process controi killer "Vik" by Vittorio Arrigoni

Starts today in front of a military court in Gaza, the trial of four people charged in the kidnapping and murder by Vittorio Arrigoni, the activist and Italian reporter killed in the Strip, on the night of 14 and 15 April, after a kidnapping and contours still unclear.

The four defendants are Mohamed Salfiti (23 years), Tamer Hasasnah (25), Khader Gharami (26) and Amer Abu Ghula (25). Missing the call the two alleged leaders of the cell that has kidnapped and killed "Vik", Palestinian Bilal al Omari and Jordan Ahmed Rahman Breizat, killed by Hamas security forces a few days after the discovery of the body of Arrigoni, in blitz against the alleged "hotbed" in the refugee camp of Nusseirat.

According to the indictment, the defendants were part of an armed group Salafi and from what you know – in advance of the depositions defensive today by the newspaper Il Manifesto that has reached one of the lawyers – young people at the bar they tend to confirm this version, even if you reduce the scope of their "group", which would not be part of a structured organization. Mohammed Najar, lawyer Gharami said to manifest that the band's intention was to seize a Westerner, to put pressure on Hamas, and obtain the release of Sheikh Abdel-Walid al-Maqdisi. The action would be served, according to the indictment, to accredit this group as a local contact to Tawhid wal Jihad, a Salafi. Sheikh was arrested two months earlier by Hamas security forces and imprisoned on charges of subversive activity.

Jordan Breizat, pupil of al-Maqdisi, according to the indictment, had entered Gaza some weeks before for trying to organize an operation that saw the release of Sheikh.

According to the version of the defendants, had been to Omari, who knew Arrigoni because they attended the same gym, to indicate the target of kidnapping. The lawyer of Gharami explains that his "assisted" because he insisted was seized Arrigoni, because it was well-known in the Strip and in the world of organizations of solidarity with the Palestinians, and because he "led a life too, does not conform to the dictates of Islam."

The defendants claim that was not their intention to kill Arrigoni, but in the video released by the Group appeared emaciated and swollen for the beatings suffered. It is not clear, and it is up to the military court to clarify the facts, because things have gone out of hand. The group, perhaps, he felt the pressure of the intelligence services of Hamas, which has already been a few hours after the seizure had identified and arrested Gharami, who had the task of following the movements of Arrigoni. At that point, according to defence, Omari and Breizat decided to kill the English and tried, along with the other, to lose their tracks.

In addition to the actual role of the two alleged leaders, it is not clear yet which side had each of the defendants. Mohamed Salfiti said investigators had not been present at the time of the killing of Vittorio, and so also Hasasnah, while Gharami claims not to have had an operational role in the kidnapping and have been limited to follow the Italian activist movement. Ghula, instead, is accused only of flanking because he rented the apartment where the Group has carried out the seizure until his tragic epilogue. The end of the seizure, the advocate Najar, was "first of all get the liberation of al-Maqdisi, then scare Italian, crush it and put it back in freedom".

Victor's family will be represented in the process from the Palestinian Centre for human rights. The military judge Atallah Abu Omar has many things to be clarified, since it was chosen as a victim of Vittorio an operation whose political goal was put in difficulty Hamas, whose authorities have been very reticent about the investigation and did not show the documents the prosecution nor the family Arrigoni.

Joseph Zarlingo

Friday, September 9, 2011

Israel accuses the European Union is funding Palestinian terrorism "

According to Israel, European countries indirectly fund the Palestinian terrorists. Million in international aid would, according to claims Jerusalem, in the pockets of families of suicide terrorists or Palestinian prisoners detained in Israeli prisons. Among the largest donors European figure Britain, but also checks splintered from the EU as a whole are those six zeros.

The Palestinian national authority, Hamas officially riconciliatasi last may, has earmarked the 3.5 per cent of national budgets in support of the family of the dead in suicide bombings. To make known the Palestinian newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadida. In soldoni is "an average of 3,129 Israeli shekels (about 600 euros) per head", really not bad if you think that "a public employee takes home about 2882 Israel shekels (550 euro)". Fed are also grants the Palestinians imprisoned in Israel. "Every terrorist in prison, including those that have resulted in the deaths of Israeli civilians, are on the payroll of the Palestinian Authority," said Itamar Marcus of Palestinian Media Watch. These money are most often paid to the families of prisoners in proportion to the years of condemnation. We talk about 350 euros for a sentenced to less than three years and up to 3000 euros for those who take more than 30 years.

Inevitably part of these funds are taken by the European international aid earmarked for Palestine. Among the major donors are the Sweden. The Swedish Conservative daily Svenska Dagbladet is ironically noted that in Palestine "should more step jump in the air rather than work". But the majority of European aid are from Britain, where in recent weeks the controversy rages on usage view especially crisis and social unrest erupted in his homeland. According to the Daily Mail, from London leave every year with destination East Jerusalem about 86 million pounds (122 million euros), of which 3 million are in the pockets of Palestinian prisoners in Israel.

"We are very careful how we spend our money to the Palestinian occupied territories," he said in February the British Minister for international development Alan Duncan. A reassurance that is putting Downing Street sheltered from criticism of the use of international funds, especially in times of economic crisis. The pressure is increased further after the announcement of the Government to increase aid of 35% by 2015. David Cameron had to admit that it is a "very difficult commitment" in times when the British were forced to pull strap.

Despite the attacks of the oppositions, discounted is however difficult to impute responsibility to European Governments that cannot decide how to use the funds that are earmarked over the Mediterranean. But the State of Israel does not stop blowing on the fire of controversy, and speaks openly of financing Palestinian terrorists ". Already a couple of years ago, Israeli activists had harshly criticized the European Union for having financed, according to them, the curricula anti Israel promoted by the Palestinian Authority. Meanwhile Catherine Ashton, High Representative for Foreign Affairs, although not intervened directly on the issue, it is often spending in favour of Palestine and the rights of its inhabitants.

Meanwhile the 20 September is waiting the historic United Nations decision on the recognition of a Palestinian State. Whether and how this decision will affect European international aid towards Ramallah and Gaza city all to see.

Usa, in ten years the theories complottistesull ' 11 September have proliferated

The twin towers were demolished by controlled explosion plan after plan. The Pentagon was hit by a missile, and not by a plane. The hijacked planes were imbottititi of explosive (and their passengers, kidnapped, were killed elsewhere and dumped into the Ocean). The building 7 of the World Trade Center, next to the Twin towers, was demolished intentionally and not collapsed as a result of the fire. Israel has conceived and organised the attack, to provoke a global conflict between United States and the Arab world (and the Mossad warned Jews who worked in the twin towers to stay home on the morning of September 11).

Any event, since the assassination in Dallas of JFK, has given rise to so many ideas and theories complottiste. According to many of these are widely present in the network, the 11 September would be the result of a conspiracy of the US Government to impose an authoritarian regime and restore oxygen, through military expenditure and control of energy sources, declining to capitalism. The first doubts about the official version of the attack are on the other hand, and date back to the moments immediately following the collapse of the skyscrapers. As narrated by Robyn Swan and Anthony Summers, authors of The Eleventh Day: The Full Story of 9/11 and Osama bin Laden, already in the afternoon of 11 September, a boy named David Rostcheck left the Chair in front of the TV, where he had witnessed the disaster, set to the computer. In a chatroom wrote: "it seems that there has been a fire but a controlled demolition. If you do not tell us something more in the next few days, then there is indeed something strange ".

By that afternoon the theories complottiste have proliferated. If some environments friendly to have very little credibility (the Zionist conspiracy theory was for example raised by authors who deny the Holocaust, and has no basis: a dead on ten of the 11 September was Jewish), and in many other cases the conspiracy idea grew in academic circles, among ex-officials of the Cia and Fbi and between the same US army ranks. One of the most known propagators of doubts about the official version is for example a theology Professor, David Griffin, who has written nine books to prove that the attacks "were conceived within the State apparatus" to justify in front of the international public opinion the war in the Middle East.

Through the years such theories have extended well beyond the restricted circles of the Academy and experts and passionate intelligence. A 2006 survey indicated that an American on three believed the Bush Administration had somehow lied (or directly planning attacks, or doing nothing to avoid them, in order to invade Iraq). The phenomenon has taken on dimensions such as to lead the US Government to publish in 2009 a document on its website to clarify major doubts. Without much success. The truthers, supporters of the conspiracy, they continue to spread their thesis and to sow doubts (also thanks to the extraordinary flying offered by the network). Here are four of the most accredited complottiste thesis (and the reasons that make them little credible).

Vice President Dick Cheney ordered the American military aviation does not stand up in flight and not to intercept the hijacked planes. This would explain the delay in the response capacity of the Bush administration. The official version instead rotates on a lack of coordination between organs of civil air traffic control (Faa) and military aviation. The multiple-character attacks, an anti-aircraft system conceived at the time of the cold war and addressed outside of the country, deactivating identification instruments on board, would the other elements capable of explaining the slowness in the reaction.One of the most widespread theories complottiste (incurred for example in the books by Steven Jones, a physicist of Brigham Young University) about the possibility that the two towers were torn down through a series of explosive charges (that would seem to be accredited by the images of explosions in the upper floors of buildings). In fact, each controlled demolition of a building occurs by shine the lower floors. More. A search of the National Institute of Standards and Technology concluded that the impact of aircraft against the two towers permanently damaged pillars. 10 thousand gallons of gasoline, spread over several floors, burst fire. Under the influence of high temperatures, the floors began to swell, while even the perimeter columns sagged and put in place a series of dynamic processes which led to the final collapse.In 9/11. The Big Lie, the French Thierry Meyssan has argued that the Pentagon was destroyed by a missile, and that the remains of a plane were brought on site to simulate the disaster. In fact, dozens of bodies of passengers and crew members were found in the area of impact. The aircraft was seen circling over the Pentagon, and was photographed by many. No evidence indicating the distribution of the remains of a plane on the site of the disaster was never found.Some truthers argue that the hijacked planes were stuffed with explosives, and who were explode with a remote-controlled mechanism. The alleged passengers on board were killed elsewhere and their bodies then dumped in the ocean. Here too there is evidence that demonstrate unequivocally the presence of passengers aboard the hijacked planes. Phone games by aircraft, and directed to family and friends of passengers were made with the phones on the back of chairs.Earlier this September 11 articoloUsa, ten years after
How has changed the economiaUn children's book about September 11
And ' controversy on "Muslim extremists" use, the security industry
flourished in the shadow of the twin towers

"I'm not in Niger". The audiomessaggio of Gaddafi urges more resistance

No escape in Niger, it is a fake news, an operation of "psychological warfare". Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi spreads a audiomessaggio in which denies having ever left Libya and launches a new call to resistance: "all Libyans, Libyan land is yours and you have the need to defend it against all those who have betrayed him," said Colonel in the message released by the Syrian al-Rai tv. Rumors concerning his escape in Niger, released two days ago, are just "lies and psychological warfare." And he added: "how many times each day, convoys carrying trade goods, smuggling and people crossing the border with Sudan, Chad, Mali and Algeria? As if for the first time that a convoy heading towards the Niger ".

According to the deposed dictator, the rebels "want to weaken our morale," then "don't waste time with this weak and ignoble foe." Young Libyans "are now ready to increase the resistance," he continued. "Defeat Nato and Nato will be rejected by the Libyan people."

The American Ambassador to Libya, Gene Cretz, said Gadhafi is still a "danger" for the new Libya, and it will be until he and his family will remain in freedom. "Continue to have them free somewhere in Libya or out of the country poses a danger to the efforts of the Transitional National Council to create a Government," said the diplomat, speaking in Washington. "It is very important for the Cnt process Gaddafi, now that the strongman was overthrown and that his forces were largely defeated."

Meanwhile, the armies of Chad and Sudan were put in a State of alert following the dissemination of the news of the return of the militias employed in Libya in recent months as mercenaries in defence of the regime of Muammar al-Gaddafi. According to the Arab newspaper al-Quds al-Arabi ', are returning to Sudan, through the territory of Chad, the Sudanese Darfur rebels who fought alongside the Libyan colonel. These are the men of the movement for Justice and equality, the largest rebel group in Darfur.

Usa, the industry of sicurezzaproliferata in the shadow of the twin towers

His name is JSOC. Joint Special Operations Command. For instance, is the military corps responsible for the killing of Osama bin-Laden, last May. Created in 1980, was for many years responsible for the release of American hostages kidnapped abroad. Then, with the September 11, 2001, its role changes. The JSOC has joined the Cia in counter-terrorism operations abroad. Have their places of detention, interrogate prisoners. Working in groups of a few men well trained. Obviously has a kill list, a list of alleged terrorists to be deleted. Above all, the JSOC is a formidable and lethal death machine, which acts in the mystery, out of every authorization and control, and that American Presidents have in recent years served as a personal tool against militants of Al Qaeda and other terrorists.

Special troops of the JSOC, however only the center of a galaxy of organizations, groups, public and private – structures – created after 11 September and increased dramatically in the past ten years. It is, wrote last December, the "Washington Post", "a top-secret world become increasingly large and secret, so that you do not know how much money costs, how many people use, such as agencies to do the same work". The numbers are astonished. 1271 federal agencies and private companies working today 1931 as part of counter-terrorism. The budget for the security of the United States is now 75 billion (21 and a half times that before September 11). About 854 million people in the country have credentials "top-secret". From September 2011 in Washington, and in the immediate vicinity, 33 were built office complexes that do intelligence work (this is an area 22 times larger than that occupied by the Congress). Analysts and experts on terrorism released 50 thousand reports each year. And many government agencies end up doing the same work, creating waste and confusion (for example, 51 federal organizations follow the flow of money to and from terrorist groups).

"It's a disastrous phenomenon, of which no one speaks – tells us David Cole, Georgetown University-Constitutionalist. But is this the real legacy of September 11: a mysterious security industry and expensive ". The "mystery" of this industry was acknowledged by former Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, who last December explained that "the growth of intelligence after 11 September was such, that is a real challenge to embrace the whole". The Department of Defense there is a small group of officers, called "Super Users", with the exclusive power to know and to coordinate the work of all structures of intelligence. "But I won't live long enough to know them all," said anonymously to "Washington Post" one of these "Super Users". When the retired General John r. Vines (a type tosto, who has commanded 145 thousand soldiers in Iraq) has been assigned the task of evaluating the effectiveness and cost structure, its conclusions were disarming: "the complexity of the challenge any system description".

The "Octopus" American security is well grown and escape to its creators, and today moves without controls and, probably, without a "head". The "Octopus" American security has meant a huge river of money pumped into the pockets of individuals. Thousands of employees of companies linked to the Pentagon – contractors – ended up in these years in war zones. The system today is that there is a contractor for each American soldier (the ratio was a contractor for every eight soldiers at the time of the war in Viet Nam). When, the next year, the American soldiers will leave so now the Afghanistan, to be replaced by 5000 private guards to provide security.

The transition to private operations of war proved disastrous, in moral terms and materials. Blackwater contractors were firing on civilians, and to kill 17 in one of the most infamous episodes of the war in Iraq, in Baghdad in 2007. Have been contracted by the Pentagon – without resorting to an auction – to conduct at least 30 billion wasted in the last year (I revealed a bipartisan Congressional Commission). It was the ever-closer relationship between the Government and private individuals to bring so many American officials to work, pagatissimi, private security companies (James Woolsey, former CIA Chief, was hired by Booz Allen; William Studeman and Barbara McNamara, driving the National Security Agencys, gone are respectively to Northrop Grumman and CACI). Anyone who has tried to remedy the situation of waste and nepotism has often paid personally. The New York Times told the story of an official of the Pentagon, Charles Smith, removed from his post after reported one billion dollars of unjustified expenditures by KBR, then part of Holliburton, among the most powerful army suppliers.

The list would still be long, and should clearly understand the tremendous costs paid at home, in the United States, to prevent a new attack. L-3 has obtained contracts from 900 million dollars to provide American airports of full-body scanners (although a report by the Government Accountability Office "defines" not clear "the ability of the new scanners to identify more sophisticated explosive devices). And every building "sensitive" by Washington and other American cities has been equipped with control and safety equipment provided and managed by individuals: often "escort-required badges", x-ray machines, technologically impenetrable, protected by alarms and security units able to respond within 15 minutes (also have a name: "sensitive compartmented information facility). A good portion of the over 75 billion provided by Congress to improve safety at home is so finite pockets of security industry, quickly became one of the most lucrative and impressive in the country.

Earlier this September 11 articoloUsa, ten years after
How has changed the economiaUn children's book about September 11
And ' controversy on "Muslim extremists"

Slovenia, Supervizor: corruption and Vice portalecontro

Operation transparency in Slovenia. To counter the rampant corruption in the country, was launched a new online portal to monitor public spending even as from 2013. Everything on the Internet, from the political costs of procurement for large works. A breath of transparency that at least in the intentions should try to revive the fortunes of adrift between Government austerity measures and political scandals. The majority Social Democrats led by Borut Pahor threatens to not get in the forthcoming elections in autumn 2012.

Supervizor, the new portal launched by the anti-corruption Commission, allows citizens to monitor the costs of the building, which too often ended up in the eye of the cyclone to scandals and bribes. As the case may be, the last in chronological order, Katarina Kresal, former Minister of the Interior, resigned on 10 August to a suspected case of corruption and followed by five other colleagues wheel. A hard blow to the image of the political class for the Slovenian Government Pahor, whose party defeated Marko demokracija Slovenije (Lds) is now only 33 seats out of 90 in Parliament. According to the Slovenian business magazine Finance Minister Kresal "has done nothing but confirm the power circles of influence of the Slovenian policy which operate at the limit of legality, following only the binomial money-power".

The influence of nearby Italy, but corruption in the Balkan country has a long history since its independence from Yugoslavia, proclaimed 20 years ago. The possible successor of Pahor, Janez Jansa, conservative and already the Government from 2004 to 2008, he was distinguished for a suspected case of bundles (900,000 euros) on a turnover with an armaments industry. The beginning of the hearing is scheduled for early September.

In short, if allegations were confirmed, on the theme of the corruption risks change from Slovenia Pan grilled, so much so that even Brussels begins to look in Ljubljana with concern. Political bickering and corruption are added to the economic situation is far from rosy. From the beginning of the economic crisis in 2008 the public debt of Slovenia (about 16 billion euros) rose from 22.5 per cent to 43 of GDP which is in turn collapsed of 8% in 2009. Doubled the rate of unemployment, now at 12%, with over half of children aged 18 to 34 years old still living with their parents for economic reasons (the European average is 46%).

In his first public appearance after the resignation of the Prime Minister Pahor Kresal, promised a review of State budget cuts to 364 million by the end of the year. Janez Jansa, who did not expect anything other than yet another misstep of the current Government to bring forward elections, promises austerity measures that reorganise the State coffers. In this climate was launched operation transparency conveyed by the Supervizor, hailed by the national press perhaps with too much optimism. "With this mountain of data online that shed light on crime and cronyism, anyone will be to administer public funds will think twice before intascarsene a bit," writes liberal newspaper Delo.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Monsieur Hollande, who is really the likely challenger to Sarkozy

Dominique Strauss-Kahn is returning to Paris, the tireless usually smile. And go with the river of ruminations on his political future in France. Perhaps Minister, certainly not as President, as he hoped before the scandal that has engulfed in New York. For the Socialist primary, which the 9 October indicate rival Nicolas Sarkozy's presidential spring 2012, the Favorites are François Hollande and Martine Aubry. Dominique doesn't compete. And the fight is definitely Hollande. Not only that, a poll Ifop, announced at the weekend, indicated that, if the first round of elections held now, it would be him to ensure the best performance of all candidates in the primaries Socialist, making sure the 29% of the vote, compared to 23.5% for Sarkozy and 18.5% of Marine Le Pen.

Determined, despite a seemingly good-natured smile, always a politician by profession (but was never Minister), who is really François Hollande? Beyond the official biographies, is just out in Paris a book on the character, the story balanced (but not directly authorized by the intended target groups), François Hollande. Itinéraire secret, written by the journalist Serge Raffy, collaborator of the weekly Nouvel Observateur, and published by Fayard. Here are some revelations.

The father? The extreme right – a certain attitude, sometimes distant, betrays our bourgeois origins. The bourgeoisie, for accuracy. The Hollande live sonnachiosa in Rouen, Northwest of the city. Her mother, Nicole, is a social worker, extroverted, by left-wing sympathies. His father, a physician, is authoritarian: quite absent at home, too busy by the profession, from numerous real estate investments, passion for politics. It has multiple times (but unsuccessfully) into lists local extreme right. It's a nostalgic of Marshal Petain, despise the General De Gaulle, the French remains Algeria (supports the Oas, the clandestine political-military organisation, which campaigns against the independence of the colony).

The relationship with Mitterrand – Hollande moved to Paris in 1968 ("the revolt of May is perceived by the householder – writes Raffy – as the first stage of the Communist invasion in France"). François has 13 years. Starts, early in his political activity, but without following the footsteps of his father. Student at the prestigious Sciences Po, adheres to the Unef-Renouveau movement, close to the Communist Party. Hollande, however, is not part of the training policy and "is not an ideologue – the book of Raffy-. Can't stand the theoretical debates that characterize the left of those years. " Already then it is a moderate and a pragmatist. Watch, then, welcome to François Mitterrand and his idea of "Union of the left, including Communists, which will allow him to become President (first and last Socialist) in 1981. Already that year, Hollande (which has a large pocket of diplomas: Sciences Po, the high school of Commerce Hec and the public administration, Ena) is called to the Elysée Palace as an advisor for the economic sector. For Mitterrand will feed a always admired ill-considered, but not fully reciprocated. The choice of the President in time becomes rather then Ségolène Royal, Hollande's partner.

The legacy (disputed) of Delors-since 1993 Hollande chairs the Club Témoin, which has as its reference Jacques Delors, the President of the European Commission and Minister of economy in the early years of the Mitterrand era. The presidential candidacy of Delors ' 95, however, fades. Primaries Hollande will end up as main rival Martine Aubry, Delors's daughter. That has long been Dumbledore: only recently has taken a position officially to Martine. In many, though, look to François as his true heir. Delors, Catholic left, austere and reassuring, it looks more like Hollande at pasdaran Socialist who became in time the daughter.

The error of Lionel Jospin – in 2002, which loses against Jacques Chirac already in the first round: second place is Jean-Marie Le Pen. It is an immense trauma for the French Socialists, never fully digested. Hollande was then party General Secretary. Long close to Jospin, Hollande comes from this put away at the end of the campaign. Jospin quits in an ivory tower, convinced that he will win. Raffy recalls a meeting with Hollande, where most are on the hands.

François, Ségolène and Valérie – Ségolène Royal, a former companion of François (they had 4 children) from the time of the Ena. Valérie makes Trierweiler surname and is the journalist of Paris-Match that is now the companion of Hollande. And say that it's just interviewing the Royal Valérie during maternity leave, in 1992, when born, the last of his children with Hollande: one of the first episodes in France's "glamourizzazione" of the policy (for more on the left), much criticised. The journalist becomes friend of the couple. Raffy's book tells (without voyeurism) as Ségolène and François gradually depart, already prior to her presidential campaign against Sarkozy. And as the link him with Valérie becomes something more than just a friendship. The Trierweiler is today very discreet about the relationship with the partner. But the report raises many controversy in a country that looks with a good dose of wariness to the fact that politicians find next in the private lives of journalists.

Usa, September 11 ten years dopoCome has changed the economy

The terrorists of 11 September, the World Trade Center was the symbol of American capitalism. Destroy the two towers it meant destroying the economic system that had led the United States to be the first world power. Ten years later, the United States and the world are still paying the effects – economic, financial, social – of that event.

"It was not the 11 September changed the American economy," explains Anita Dancs, who teaches economics at Western New England University-. It's the way we respond to September 11 that changed the economy ". The idea that the most sensational terrorist act on American soil has been deep in the capitalist system seems in fact accepted by most scholars and who acts and works in the financial world, American or not. The one on which there is still no unanimity is what that Act has changed the capitalistic system.

There are those who, for example, counting the costs of 11 September, put everything, but really everything: human and material damage of the attacks, the stock market crash (the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by 14 points in the hours immediately after the attack), increases in the price of petrol, the cost of renewed security systems at airports, government offices, roads, new shipping and insurance rates, and especially military expenditures in Iraq and Afghanistan.

For supporters of the "maximalist thesis", the 11 September has cost the United States over 4 thousand billion. A huge figure, which has further increased the already appalling debt and eroded, perhaps forever, the living standards of Americans. Above all, the 11 September would have introduced some policy "disastrous bad habits", which hardly you will return back. "For the first time since the American Revolution, the costs of the war were funded relying largely on debt," wrote Linda Bilmes and Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, author of "The Three Trillion Dollar War". (For the two economists, only the costs of the wars in Afghanistan and in Iraq will cost the United States 4 trillion).

The "maximalist thesis" not like those who notice a too automatic mechanism of cause and effect. After 2002, in fact, many important things have happened, in no way connected – or hardly traceable to the terror and destruction that swept through the United States the 11 September. How to tie it to 11 September, the real estate bubble, followed by the mortgage crisis, followed by the financial crisis that has nurtured the most serious global economic downturn since the Wall Street crash of 1929? Better, much better, according to the proponents of a "minimum thesis", be limited to matters of actual damages, and in the short term, the attacks.

"September 11 was little more than a beep," explained to the Associated Press Adam Rose, terrorism expert and economics of the University of Southern California. Fixed costs Rose tragedy at around 130 billion dollars and CITES, as evidence of its argument, the fact that in early November 2001, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was quickly returned to pre-September 11 levels. Other factors also seem somehow devalue the centrality of terrorist acts. If today, motorists pay petrol double in 2001, not only from bloody feuds erupted in areas of oil production, but from the fact that the demand for energy is increased with the appearance on the stage of the world's other powers, and hundreds of millions of new consumers.

The one on which today appears to be a near total unanimity is the price paid for the increased security measures. "The true discriminant of September 11 is this – tells us David Cole, a lawyer from Georgetown University. The attacks did grow out of proportion the security industry ". A report of a Senate Committee has evaluated in about 400 billion expenditure incurred by the Federal Government to avoid the dreaded, and evoked, repetition of 11 September. 40 billion were paid only to increase security at airports.

Instead it is more difficult to calculate how much they spent companies to make their business more secure. Privacy issues are often kept well hidden numbers these outputs (often transferred to consumers). But "doing business in the United States has become increasingly expensive after September 2001," said Sung Won Sohn of the California State University at Channel Islands. New security staff, video surveillance, screening at the entrance of workplaces, secure computer systems (especially for banks and financial institutions) have multiplied the costs. The financial crisis and the assassination of Osama bin-Laden, should have decreased perception of the danger and possibility of support costs so high. "At this point, however, is difficult to go back, and dismantle the Pharaonic security system," explains Cole.

It is however difficult to stand from the head that the real economic legacy of September 11 have their own military expenditure, the river of money pumped by the Bush administration, and then from that Obama, in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in any other part of the world in which the United States have perceived a (supposed) danger. The 4 trillion that Stiglitz and Bilmes have seen take the road of Afghanistan and Iraq were stolen at work, investment, health, education. "You can't spend billions in a failed war abroad, and not feel the pain at home," they wrote Stiglitz and Bilnes. Apart from the numbers and percentages, it is precisely that "pain" – in homes, on the boards, schools and hospitals – that Americans have more perceived after September 2001.

Continue to worsen the carestiain Somalia in the Horn of Africa

In the general indifference to the situation in Somalia and in the rest of the Horn of Africa becomes more severe, week by week. The UN has added a sixth region, the Bay, in the South of the country, the list of officially declared in a State of famine, which now includes practically the entire southern portion of Somalia, including the capital Mogadishu. Is the area controlled by the Islamist militias of al-Shabab, considered close to al-Qaida. Less dramatic, but only a little, the situation in other areas of the country. In the southern part of the semi-autonomous region of Puntland, is not yet famine but only "emergency", while in the North, in Somaliland (autonomous region) we are at the level of "crisis".

International aid are largely insufficient to cover the needs of the population and there are enormous difficulties in the delivery of aid, due to the lack of a central Government and the chaotic situation in several provinces. So far, the UN agencies and NGOs engaged in humanitarian assistance have collected 1.46 billion, at least a billion less than estimated for an efficacious intervention.

The distribution of aid in internal areas of the zone controlled by Shabab is very difficult. The few convoys that move, traveling with strong armed escorts to avoid attacks by armed gangs and local militia. According to the United Nations, are at least 12 million people exposed to the risk of severe malnutrition because of the worst famine of the last sixty years.

Of these, at least 4 million are in Somalia, and according to the UN Agency for food security analysis (Fsnau), there are at least 750 thousand people in Somalia who could die of hunger in the coming weeks if you don't come more aid. In neighbouring countries, Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia, feels the effect of lack of rain but the situation is relatively under control. Although in Kenya, in some regions of the North, the effects of drought are amplified by the high price of food and gasoline. Thousands of Somalis, every day, trying to reach, often on foot, the neighbouring countries for aid.

In the refugee camp of Dadaab, Kenya, eighty kilometres from the Somali border, according to Irin, the news agency of the Office for the coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of the United Nations, at least 150 thousand people came in the last three months.

Different, however, the case of Eritrea. The dictatorship of Isaias Afworki does not provide official data on the situation in the country, but argues that the crop this year has been particularly abundant and therefore that there is no risk of famine. According to the Bbc, however, the reality is different. At least 900 people are passing every day the militarized border, between Eritrea and Ethiopia, and many of these refugees carry signs of malnutrition. The data collected from weather satellite systems international shows that rainfall from June to now have been below the annual average and Eritrean opposition sources in exile about shortages of food and children maltruniti.

The Eritrean Government in recent years has expelled from the country's main international agencies and does not allow access to foreign Ngos, for which it is very difficult to verify independently what the real situation. The suspicion, though, is that Eritrea is also consuming a humanitarian tragedy, which the Government does not want to know to avoid being put under pressure by the international community. Some opposition sources in eritrea Italy – that prefer not to be identified for reasons of personal safety – confirm that at least in certain regions of the country, towards the border with Ethiopia, the situation is very serious.

Susan Rice, u.s. Ambassador to the UN said that "very probably the Eritreans are suffering for the same food shortages affecting other areas of the region, but do not receive aid for the clear opposition of the Government in the presence of foreign organisations".

Joseph Zarlingo

Bangladesh, a forgotten village, a new era in relations with India

The village of Votbari is a species of small island surrounded by the great Bangladesh. An island very backward: has no paved roads or electricity, primary schools, a hospital or a doctor. "There is nobody who thinks us" says Jober Ali, a resident. "We do not have a country. We do not have an identity. We are not anywhere. " If there is an act of crime or vandalism police there is, if people have any need not know where to turn. The State is absent. Because Votbari is an enclave, a chitmohol in bangla, meaning "piece of paper." Is an island that there is a no-man's land, victim of uncertain design boundaries during the partition of 1947 with which India has recovered its independence, the British Empire has crumbled and was born in Pakistan. Votbari is now a village abandoned by both India and Pakistan, does not receive any aid from both States and years of regional tensions have taken a social and political limbo.

Tomorrow this state of affairs will change. The 6 and 7 September the Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh will visit Bangladesh, accompanied by four Prime Ministers of the neighbouring Indian States of Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya and Mizoram. Thanks to this visit, relations between India and Bangladesh will take a new road and some old problems can be resolved. The visit comes after 40 years of war between India and Pakistan, of which Bangladesh was a party as "East Pakistan", which led to the creation of the people's Republic of Bangladesh thanks to the support of India. During Singh's visit to the Governments of India and Bangladesh have agreed to Exchange 162 enclaves, giving residents the option to choose the nationality they want. The India must give Bangladesh 111 and must have in exchange for 51. According to a survey carried out recently by the two Governments, these lands have nobody in a population of 51,000 people. Residents of the enclaves have no minimum service that gives a State, albeit poor, such as medical assistance, and no administration has so far taken responsibility to represent them. "We have lived here for decades. But nobody has ever cared about us. We are human beings, but that ' they ' do not take into account, "says a resident of Votbari.

Singh's trip is important not only for the two countries, but for stability and economic growth of the entire eastern region of South Asia. The agreements include the exact demarcation of the boundary line between India and Bangladesh, which is 4,096 kilometres long. In 2001 the border dispute has led to a brief armed conflict. Another pending issue is the Division of the waters of the rivers Teesta and Feni. The Teesta was born in the Himalayas, through the Indian State of Sikkim and empties into the Brahmaputra in Bangladesh. The India is building of dams for hydroelectric exploitation of the waters, despite objections that dams can cause of seismicity in the surrounding areas. The Feni River is a river in both Member States and the use of the waters was cause for disagreement between India and Pakistan since the 1950s. Another issue that will be dealt with is that, due to increasing export deficit. In 2010-2011 the India has exported to Bangladesh to 3.84 billion dollars while imported to 406.3 million dollars.

Arvind Gupta, former diplomat of the Indian Foreign Service and Director of Strategic and Defence Studies at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, said that both countries need to find new areas of cooperation. "There are two sets of issues to be discussed. The first is the legacy of the border that weighs heavily on both sides of the territory. Another is the physical connectivity. Communication is a very important factor because the States in the Northeast are Bangladesh, Myanmar, Bhutan and China and the only access road to these States from within India is through Assam. " The former Indian High Commissioner to Bangladesh to Dhaka in the years 2003-2006, Professor Veena Sikri, said the trip Singh establishes a new kind of transformation in relations between India and Bangladesh. Professor Mohammad Faridul Alam of the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh, said: "the visit is very important for the whole area. For the first time focuses attention on the Northeast. " Economic development will be one of the key factors of the visit because it will be decided on ways to implement the decisions and the agreements taken during the trip to India in 2010 of the Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina. Other problems to the carpet are the use of the port of Mongla, the supply of electricity and the definition of the issue of Indian and bangladeshi exclaves.

The visit of Prime Minister Singh promises a journey that will transform the lives of many. In the long term will bring changes to several hundreds of millions of people in both India and Bangladesh. In the short term, should finally recognize the full dignity of citizens and the human rights of 51,000 inhabitants of "no man's land".

Gaddafi, the last sighting: "Niger" Agreement for the taking of Bani Walid

A large convoy of about 200 armored Libyans arrived to Agadez, in Niger, 750 kilometres north east of the capital Niamey, escorted by the military. The French military sources claim and Niger. The convoy includes officers and soldiers of the battalions stationed in the South of Libya that in all probability have entered Niger from Algeria.

Immediately spread the rumor, reported by French source, that the deposed dictator Muammar al-Gaddafi may soon join those troops together with his son Saif al-Islam, or that the two are already hidden on a vehicle of the convoy — then in neighboring Burkina Faso, which has offered asylum to Gaddafi and his clan.

Yesterday several people of the circle of rais had come to Agadez. Among them the head of security of staff, Colonel Mansour Daw. The Arabic newspaper al-Sharq al-Awsat writes that several witnesses had seen the Colonel move from Al JUFRAH district, South of Sirte, where is the command of the troops who are still faithful to the border with Niger. Meanwhile spokesman Colonel Moussa Ibrahim, has ensured that Gaddafi "is in excellent health and is organizing the defense of Libya".

The country, however, is almost totally in the hands of rebels. These have reached an agreement with the representatives of the gheddafiane militia to enter without a fight in Bani Walid, one of the last city that were still in the hands of brigades of Colonel. The al-Jazeera reported, citing sources of insurgents, according to which in the next few hours the troops of the National Council of transition will take control of the city.

Bani Walid is a stronghold of the powerful Warfalla tribe that has about a million people and is remained faithful until the very last to Muammar al-Gaddafi. The rebels are expected to enter the city as soon as the agreement will be formalized, probably around noon. Bani Walid, located 150 km south of Tripoli, had refused the surrender, so that for days he feared a new bloody clash. The agreement, according to al Jazeera, has been reached in the middle of the night, after men closer to Rais had abandoned the city. "We explained to the chiefs that there will be sold in town and that our task will be to ensure security," he assured Abdullah Kanshil, head of the delegation that negotiated with chieftains.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A children's book about September 11 and ' controversy on "Muslim extremists"

A children's book, coloring. A poetic title: the book of the freedom of the children. Yet the volume of the Really Big Coloring Books, a publishing company of Missouri, is raising a torrent of criticism and commentary. "It's disgusting," said Dawud Walid of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. "It's a job that he wants to educate and not to offend," responds Wayne Bell, Director of Coloring Books. The subject of the dispute is the manner in which the book – which tells the story of the two towers and the killing of Osama bin-Laden – represents the Muslims. The phrase "radical extremist Muslims" is used for ben 10 times. And bin-Laden is drawn when it is going to be killed by special forces USE. Behind a woman, wearing the Islamic veil.

Ten years after the September 11, the theme of the relationship between Islam and the United States continues to create tension and embarrassment. A survey by the Washington Post explains that 31% of Americans believe that Islam more institutional "encourages violence." For their part, American Muslims do not hide a strong discomfort. The 55% (according to a study by the Pew Research Center) is thought to be still subject to pressures and discrimination: controls at airports, distrust in school and in the workplace, vandalism against mosques and Islamic cultural centres. Attempts to cool the tones are, by both sides. The White House has invited the Boxer, British and Muslim, Amir Khan, his celebration of 11 September. The sport for two years, which resides in the United States, is continually blocked and interrogated before taking a plane. And Muslims used to remember the tragedy, have organized the campaign "Muslims for Life", which plans to collect blood, donated by Muslims, so save at least 10 thousand lives.

"For ten years I cannot free myself from a sense of unease. I was almost out of place ". He tells Butheina Hamed, daughter of Syrian immigrants who emigrated in the United States in the 1970s. Butheina, who today lives in Emerson, New Jersey, had eleven years in 2001. Remember the day of the tragedy. "I was in school, in class. Someone came in, said that there had been a great bombing in New York. I prayed because the authors were not Muslims. " Today Butheina not wearing the Islamic veil. It was a decision taken after months of discussions, in the family, especially with the younger sister, Zanubya (which still carries). "But for years I covered myself in the head. My mother wanted, feared that on the way home from school I aggredisse, and doing evil ". Butheina is about to graduate in romance languages at Rutgers University. "With fellow okay – says. But I bring the need giustificarmi, to highlight every time that bin-Laden is not my leader, my values are those of all Americans. "

The equation Islam/opposition to the values of the West was in these years, nourished by politicians of the Republican right. A referendum passed in Oklahoma last 2 November, sponsored by Republican Congressman and lawyer Rex Duncan, has banned Islamic law by the courts of the State. No Muslim in Oklahoma or in other parts of the United States, had never asked for the imposition of Islamic law; and no court had recognized the precedence of Islamic law on the Constitution. The rise of the Tea Party has further exacerbated the situation. The recent midterm elections, Sharron Angle, favorite of the Tea Party, announced that Islam had been hoisted his flag on two cities of Michigan and Texas. Anti-Muslim sentiment has probably reached its apex with the hearings of the Committee on national security of the American Chamber, chaired by another Republican, Peter King, who investigated on physiognomy and extension of Islamic radicalism "(and many have evoked the ghost of McCarthy on UN-American activities).

"There were times when I thought of leaving. Especially when the Reverend Jones has organized its ' bonfire of the Koran ". Ali (who prefers not to give the surname) has 27 years, works for a shipping company of Michigan. It went "because I don't have another place to go. I'm not going to return to Morocco, from where my grandparents ". Admits that, especially among his friends as a teenager, "there was a feeling of sympathy for bin Laden. We didn't exactly account of what he had done. I think there entered our frustration of children of immigrants. Then, crescendo, we noticed that behind bin-Laden there was no divine plan, and no chance of success. " The anger of wings has remained, and resurfaces when he, his father, his brothers spend checks at the airport. "Every time, dozens of questions. Each time, cross-checks. Each time, separate interrogations than those of the other passengers. "

At the end of August, the New York police had to admit that they have assigned plainclothes policemen to spy on and gather information in cafes, libraries, meeting centers of the Muslim community (activities conducted in collaboration with the CIA). The anger of many Muslims was summarized by Abdul Alim Musa, Iman Washington, according to which "Muslims of America living in a State of fear; fear in their homes, afraid to go to work, fear even to pray ". "But our leaders have not done enough to hear their voice. Not enough condemnation of terrorism, the distinction between Islam and terrorism ". EC explains Lena Shakir, 23-year-old daughter of Lebanese. Lena rejects a purely "defensive" Muslims of America. "It is right to defend our civil rights – explains-. But I would also like to Muslims of America does not remain on the margins, and found their own identity, an active role in society. Like other American community ". Lena has left the college in 20 years. It resumed in recent weeks, and hopes to graduate in business. "It's the gift that I do. A way to leave behind these ten bad years. Indeed, you know what? I think I will follow up the tenth anniversary celebrations. Even in television ".

Cesare Battisti back to talk about "if I had ordered would have killed"

In Italy there was "almost a civil war. If I had ordered it, I would have killed. Luckily this never happened, and I never thought it was a way out: "Cesare Battisti said in an interview to a Brazilian newspaper. "The Revolution today is a joke. I was 16 years old when I entered the militancy, are no longer the same person. If today continuassi to be a revolutionary would be an idiot ".

The former militant Pac claims to have been used as a scapegoat for the period of the years of lead in Italy and said: "people tell me, Caesar and revolution? Which revolution? This is a joke. If I was a revolutionary, I'd be an idiot ". Baptists to reinterpret her past with a first conviction: "we were not the first to take up arms, were the regimes, States".

He continues: "I was very young, and as many after the ' 68 we felt that we could place the world with weapons. But calm, not we the first to take up arms, were the schemes, the Member States. The revolutionary movement has accepted the challenge and responded with weapons, "added the Italian former terrorist.

"When they start to kill your best friend, and you've got 20 years, you react with weapons: that was the strategy of the procedures and powers of the time. They had no other chance of destroying the rich cultural movements of the time if not with the provocation of weapons ".

The former terrorist, convicted in absentia and final judgment for four murders, reveals a concern: "do you think that I have left as well, without knowing what I'm doing? The greatest danger is when my case will cool after the sentence of three months ago, thanks to which it is released from prison, Baptist walking down the street and recognizes the faces of people who participated in the protests against his freedom and stay in Brazil, reminiscent of the newspaper, citing the risk that Baptists can be targeted by right-wing paramilitary groups. In a video released by the same newspaper, Baptists also reiterates "never been a terrorist". "Now my main task is to get out of the situation of former militant terroristà, Baptists, etc-I've never been a terrorist, no one has sentenced or accused for this. I would just settle down, have a home, a place where to put the books, computers, my life, sit down, start to think and work. "

Baptists adds that for now lives "thanks to the comrades and friends, to collette of support groups in different countries. I don't know how much this will last, "concludes, recalling that his goal is to" integrate to society and start working. "

Libya, siege at Bani Walid rebels: "we know where's the raìs"

At first light of dawn today, the rebels had announced: "In a few hours we will enter in Bani Walid". But it didn't go well.

During the late afternoon the insurgent radio "Lybia Hurra" (which means Libya frees) had announced the capture of the city, but the news was later denied. In the first place by two journalists, a Reuters correspondent who is on the front line, about 60 km north of the city and one of the France Press: both have stated that negotiations between the rebels and tribal leaders of beni Walid are still ongoing. In the evening the National Transitional Council has even made it known that "the negotiations with the leaders of the tribe of Bani Walid Warfalla have failed and did not resume. The ultimatum fixed yesterday ended this morning at 10 Italian time.

The war, in any case, you will not be finished until you find Muammar Gaddafi. And if until yesterday the suspicion was that the raìs was in town to the South East of Tripoli, today that instead of him there is no track insurgents do however know to know the place where you would find the Colonel. He said, according to the satellite channel Al-Jazira, the military leader of the insurgents in Tripoli, Abdul Hakim Belhaj, but has added other details. The rebels, as reported by the Bbc, are also sure that one of the sons of rais, Khamis Al-Gaddafi, died last month and is buried in Bani Walid.

In their advance, meanwhile, fighters of the Cnt are carrying out several mass arrests against people, mainly from Chad, Sudan, Niger and Mali, accused of being mercenaries in the pay of the regime. And here is the warning of Human Rights Watch, which asked the Cnt to release those who are detained only in the colour of their skin.

Meanwhile, the UN, to the mouth of the Special Envoy for the rebuilding of Libya Ian Martin, the new rulers to start as soon as the electoral process in the country. Martin claimed it was also "concerned" for the amount of weapons circulating in the country and called for the formation of a "public security authorities."

But the internal situation in Libya is anything but quiet. And there are already those who accuse the Cnt to be composed of former supporters of dictator. It does, for example, the fundamentalist military commander of Benghazi, Ismail al-Salabi, who leads a force of about 3 thousand men and that those who are part of the Committee "are all members of the old regime" and thus should "resign everyone from the top of the pyramid at the base." Al-Salabi fought in Afghanistan in the past but denies any links with fundamentalist groups out of Libya, as the Taliban or Al Qaida. "There are lay people who have their own agenda and as extremists who would like to exclude us Wednesday by the international community and cause a division that would be useful only to the tyrant", he added.

London in chaos for a procession anti-Islamic Stopped seven right-wing extremists

Live in London. And much of the city kept under check between yesterday and today by right-wing extremists who have staged a demonstration of the anti-Islamic far-right in the heart of the multi-ethnic city. The dreaded gathering group English Defence League (EDL) in the East of the capital has resulted in clashes with the police and around 60 arrests, but has not repeated the urban warfare scenario of a few weeks ago. As stated by the leadership of the EDL to Scotland Yard, the Group was planning a static demonstration and a sit-in to protest against the recent decision of the Minister of the Interior, Theresa May prohibit any demonstration in six areas of the capital, considered high risk.

Despite the ban, a thousand people came during the morning of Saturday armed with placards that read "this is not the Inghilterristan" and "England: love it or leave it". Police escorted the group more nourished from King's Cross station until the beginning of multi-ethnic district of Tower Hamlets, where he was a massive roadblock with agents and media.

The tension was palpable but initially under control. Shaved heads, flags, hockey masks with colors cheers, songs and English romani – a theatre that England has come to know well in recent years. The leader of the EDL, Stephen John Lennon, which was presented in disguise with fake beard, hat and dark glasses to avoid being recognized, he then took the floor, telling the crowd of violating its restrictive permission to attend the event – received a sentence for hooliganism. "Violerò any ban, today and in the future, to have the opportunity to demonstrate together with you," he shouted.

After the short speech by Lennon broke the first scuffles with the police, who occupied the area since the early morning hours – over 3000 men, scattered throughout the neighborhood and the surrounding areas. The situation was "extremely tense" and are not missed episodes of violence and unrest, but did not reach the intensity of other EDL events. If you do the damage, as Luton, Birmingham, Nottingham had a fate definitely worse in such occasions.

The scuffles continued intermittently throughout the day yesterday. Between Saturday and Sunday, there are around 60 arrests carried out by the police. The main accusations: resistance to law enforcement, violence, possession of weapons.

One of the moments of greatest tension occurred when a coach of the EDL has been "intercepted" and attacked by a group of young Asians in Whitechapel Road, not far from the East London Mosque. The vehicle, carrying 44 members of the EDL, was returning from a parallel protest in Aldgate. Passing close to one of the largest mosques of the city, some of the protesters went looking for the clash with groups of immigrants. The bus is then broken down, to stop only a few meters after due to a fault. It is at that moment that a hundred Asian youths surrounded the bersagliandolo with stones, pebbles and improvised rockets.

"We intervened promptly," commented the police, who has uploaded the 44 EDL on another bus to guard them away – and then stop. "It was necessary to get the protesters quickly from the area to avoid things they worsened." Police in riot structure, had a lot to be done to hold off the more than 1500 demonstrators anti-fascist groups organized under the theme United Against Fascism.

"The strategy was to prevent the EDL to spread to the streets, but was no less important to avoid any contact with other groups," said a spokesman for the Metropolitan Police. "Police men were human barrier between the two sides." The meeting of Tower Hamlets – one of the most multi-ethnic of London – had been planned for some time, attracting the ire of the local population and community groups, who had repeatedly asked to forbid it. Following the massacre of Oslo and investigations – still underway – on possible links between the killer and the extreme right British Home Office has banned the March. After the riots of the past few weeks, it was imperative to maintain order in the city. The urban warfare scenario of the riots has not yet occurred, and London can now breathe a sigh of relief.

Israel, 500,000 young people in piazzaper greater social justice

Almost 500,000 demonstrators marched yesterday evening in 20 Israeli cities, for what the organizers had called "the March of a million". A massive protest despite the numeric target has been missed. The largest parade took place in Tel Aviv. More than 300,000 have covered the streets of the city centre until piazza Kikar Hamedina. In Jerusalem, in the tens of thousands gathered under the Windows of the Prime Minister Benjamin Natanyahu.

The protest was born in July from a post on Facebook of Daphni Leef, 25-year-old student cinema. The Leef, exasperated by the cost of rent in Tel Aviv, calling on all to take a tent and a place in the town centre. The first tents, I check the 14 July (hence the name of the movement J14, July 14), Bouleverd Rothschild, one of the commercial arteries of the city. With weeks, the protest grew, giving birth to a score of spontaneous camps in several Israeli cities.

The first national demonstration was held on 23 July and participated in 30 thousand, become ten times more in the March of the following Saturday and closed on 6 August. With the growing numbers have changed the demands of the protesters: If at first you were mobilized emergency houses, now calling for social justice.

Israel, from the demographic point of view, is a young country. Has a high birth rate, also due to the Palestinian Arab minority, about 20 percent of the population. To protest are largely middle class young people, students and workers, with a good level of education, the society that inhabits the uncertainty of the future, sure that will not have the economic ability of past generations. University associations have cut movement has an important role, in particular the National Student Union (Student Union).  Its President Itzik Shmuli, 31 years, last night from the stage of the rally in Tel Aviv said: "this square is full of new Israelis, who are ready to die for their country, but it is up to you, Mr Prime Minister, let us live in this country."

The Netanyahu Government already tried in the last days of July to give a response to the demands of the protesters. The premier, in the aftermath of the first major manifestation of the square, has cancelled a trip diplomat in Poland to meet with protest leaders. Netanyahu's proposal was a regulation, which allows the reduction of bureaucracy for the construction of new housing. This however is not enough for young Israelis calling for broader social policies and not another liberal opening. The Israeli economy has not been too affected by the global crisis: unemployment is around 6 percent, and the growth rate is among the highest in the West. These factors are not sufficient to ensure that the middle class, in a country where the gap between rich and poor is accentuated, adequate access to basic services: home, health and education.

The movement's spokesman reiterated since July aspiration political protests, always trying to separate the occupation of the Palestinian territories, policies needed to quell the protests. Some of the protesters but stressed that Israel spends in the 7% of its Gdp, which are added each year, 3 billion dollars in US military aid. September is announced as a hot month: diplomatic relations nearly stopped with the Turkey, major tensions with Egypt and the September 20 vote at the United Nations for the recognition of a Palestinian State. This international situation could disregard new increases military expenditure, subtracting those funds social spending that the square asks for weeks.

Cosimo Caridi

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Regional elections in Germany, Cdu flop the First Social Democratic Party

The outcome of the vote in the District of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, one of the poorest regions and less populated areas of Germany, is clear: a defeat for the Cdu Angela Merkel, a victory for the incumbent Governor's Spd Erwin Sellering. According to the latest data of today's vote ended recently, the Social Democrats have gotten between 36% and 37% of the vote. That means the possibility to express even the Governor, and then click the coalition partner for the next five years. In the Cdu becomes the second party, with preferences hovering between 24% and 24.5%. It's the worst result ever in the region for the Party of Chancellor Merkel. A given so far by the heyday of 2006. Third party is the Linke, given between 17% and 18%.

And many believe that the position of the radical left party might make the Cdu defeat even more bitter. The Governor Sellering, could decide to break the current Alliance with Merkel's Party and form a new majority government with the Linke.

The projections also reveal a good result for the Greens, who grow up to a percentage assessed at 8.5%. Evil, however, for the Liberal Democrats of Fdp, which are to the national Government with the Federal Chancellor, to 3%, well below the threshold to 5%. Could do better even the extreme right wing party of the Npd, for around 5%.

The turnout recorded at 14 was 29.8%, nearly six points in less than 2006. But Germany soon other citizens will be called to the polls: in two weeks, the 18 September, it's up to those of the Land of Berlin.

"No to the roof on the public deficits". Also in Spain protests against anti crisis measures

"Please enter a State spending limit means taking money to pensions, health, education". The complaint of Cristóbal Cervantes, a spokeswoman for Democracia real ya, one of the souls of indignados, arrives in the days when in Spain are growing protests against the reform of article 135 of the Constitution, which provides for the introduction of the roof of the deficit at 0.4% of GDP. One of the measures required at European level to counter the crisis and speculation in financial markets that has also hit the Spain. Where, as in our country, the measures the Government might "alienate more and more the political class citizens," said Cervantes. In Spain the pressure on Parliament enters highlight this week. Passed in haste to Congress with a new agreement between Psoe (Socialists), Pp (popular) and Upn (Union del Pueblo Navarro), the change must pass Wednesday, 7 September under consideration of the Senate.

Dr. Cervantes, because for many of the reform of the Constitution represents a scandal?
It is for the way in which you are creating. The Spanish Constitution existed for 33 years and until now had not undergone major changes. The major political parties have always avoided, given that the Constitution was created in a delicate moment in the history of Spain, during the transition from Franco dictatorship to democracy. Suddenly, in a few days the Government has put in agreement with the opposition leader and decided to impose on its MPs to vote for reform without allowing people to express themselves. Have the same members of the Executive to admit that the reform imposed by the markets. A few days before the premier Zapatero announced the reform, German Chancellor Angela Merkel had publicly asked the countries of the euro to introduce some changes to their constitutions. One of the claims of the 15-M movement is: "we are not the goods in the hands of politicians and banks". With this reform the slogan is more current than ever.

What points were found unjust article 135?
The main point is the decision to impose a ceiling on spending. In fact limit the deficit in time of crisis reduces the ability of financing State entries that relate to the social spending such as pensions, health and education. Force the Spanish fiscal balance balance to ensure the payment of the debt to Europe implies a perdida total economic sovereignty. Interest and principal of the public debt of General Government will enjoy priority, to the detriment of any expenditure to social services. This is the point of vital importance: the amendment stipulates that in the case of a speculative attack or a closing of the markets, skipped payments of pensions and salaries of workers. The conclusion is that basically the article 135 leads to cancellation of the Constitution. If the State cannot decide what to pay, he cannot negotiate and even invest on public services, all other articles of the Constitution are empty of meaning.

The Zapatero government's decision to vote for reform despite criticism increases the fracture between politics and society. There are still margins for the holding of a referendum?
The attitude of the major parties away more and more so-called "political class" from the citizens. All surveys confirm that politicians have become one of the problems of major concern to the Spanish. After 35 years of democracy Pp and Psoe led the country to economic ruin. From a legal point of view this constitutional amendment must be approved in a referendum, because, as are many stressing affects fundamental rights and, in such case, the Constitution requires a referendum. Legally there is the possibility to convene after the approval to the rooms, if 10% of deputies or senators shall apply in the days immediately following the vote. We're making pressure on represented political because realise our demands to join petition to give voice to citizens.