The reported a journalist of Reuters, according to which Sage was found by insurgents yesterday while he was on his farm at Janzour, a suburb of Tripoli. In recent days, the man had released a statement to the English channel where Channel4 acknowledged that the power of the Colonel had now exhausted, and claimed to be in contact with none of the leaders of the regime. Meanwhile, the Cnt announces that he will return to the Libyan capital "in two weeks." The spokesman confirmed Abderazay Salem.
In the last hours the rebel position seems to grow: one of the sons of Colonel Saadi Gaddafi, has indeed declared ready to treat "to end the bloodbath." The third son of Colonel pointed to speak on behalf of his father, who would "have a role in future Government formed by insurgents". Saadi in the past also played soccer in Italy, played in Perugia. In recent days had denied to Cnn that he would surrender to the rebels. To him, in the case of effective yield, insurgents have guaranteed that they will kill him. But by the sons of rais conflicting positions arrive: another son, Seif Al-Gaddafi, invites to the resistance, claiming to be still in Tripoli and assuring the excellent state of health "of the Guide", referring to the father. "The resistance continues and victory is near," said the second son of Colonel, according to which in Sirte there are still 20,000 people loyal to the regime.
Meanwhile, in addition to the military, insurgents are moving also on the political front: announced that elections will be held "within 18 months" under UN monitoring. And is ready even a Constitutional draft ' Declaration ', which provides for an interim Government tasked to manage the transition, up to the election of an Assembly of 200 members (Conference National), which will replace the Cnt and must write another constitutional text to be submitted to referendum. As to the form of State, in the document speaks of a "democratic and independent Libya", based on party pluralism "and" in which the Sharia, Islamic law, "it is the main source of law."
Today, Nato has made it known that the no fly zone Stratotanker Libyans may be prolonged and maintained even after they cease hostilities between insurgents against the regime and the militia loyal to Colonel.
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