The demands of the protesters are essentially two: the definition of a roadmap for the transfer of power by the Supreme Council of the armed forces to a civilian Government and changing the electoral law. With respect to the latter, presented a couple of months ago by the military Council, activists suspect that encourages members of the former party now dissolved the former rais because it provides that a part of the seats are allocated on the basis of lists.
As on other occasions, the Muslim Brotherhood and the new Islamist parties have not taken part in the event because, according to their latest statements, the country's priorities are the economy and the legislative elections "which you should keep in November.
The armed forces, led by Hussein Tantawi, launched during the previous days a warning signal, posting on their Facebook page a communiqué in which, while claiming to respect the right of people to demonstrate peacefully, warn from attacking Government structures. The Interior Minister has also published on his account, always in the famous social network, the agreement with the protesters: "the military will leave the square from 12 on Thursday, but the event must be dispersed within Friday at sunset". The decision, according to the law, was not disclosed as evidence that the Minister "shall respect the right to a peaceful demonstration on the part of citizens and freedom of expression as one of the main results obtained after the revolution of January."
Midday prayers were conducted by the imam Mazhar Shain. The sermon of Imam is clear and leaves no room for misunderstandings: "citizens must be tried in civil courts and not in military processes". His statements followed long applause.
The 9 September was also the national day of farmers. Thousands of peasants have arrived with the Cairo International Stadium to celebrate this commemoration organized by the Government. But the independent farmers ' Union has boycotted the initiative to follow protests from young revolutionaries. They organised a March from the Ministry of agriculture is returned then to Tahrir. In the early afternoon arrived in the square, followed by a long procession, Weal Ghonim, marketing manager at Google, creator of the facebook page ' We are all Khaled Said, considered one of the leaders of the revolution of 25 January. According to some testimonies, the slogan of the square against the military junta are the most aggressive. Some demonstrators also praise the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, probably due to the recent opposition to Israel. And right at the Israeli Embassy there was another group, perhaps the most ' hot ', but the area – heavily guarded by police-was well protected. Another tense situation is created in front of the Ministry of the Interior, where many demonstrators gathered by early afternoon. Overall the marches were peaceful and well organised.
Now, however, all eyes are on next months elections in November, which will be the real test after the revolution of January.
Joan Loccatelli
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Three dead, over 1,000 wounded
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