In truth there is Government, led by Yves Leterme. Is there since 13 June 2010, which was election day. Would treat the "current business" for a few weeks in anticipation of an Executive fully legitimate politician, son of the polls. As you know, the situation shall be packed: in Flanders the Flemish separatist party N-Va had came close to 30 percent, and others did not find a point of mediation. While Yves Leterme served as a "Regent", opened a parallel negotiation which lasts to this day, given the political intelligence of Elio Di Rupo, a Socialist Italian-Walloon. Under his leadership, occasionally gather around a table eight party leaders. Without haste, for charity.
Last week, for example, the meeting was skipped because the Green Jean-Michel Javaux, who is also Mayor of the pleasant town of Amay, must imperatively attend City Council was to vote for the purchase of a new machine for fire and a new computer, mica bubbole. Di Rupo has a month to finish. After that, or gives birth to a new Executive which will be the Prime Minister (the first Walloon-speaking by 32 years, and also the first homosexual declared at the Summit in a European country), or you return to the polls.
As you see, is not missing the Government in the strict sense. Rather the game lacks political parties, confined by one and a half years in the room of the eight leaders. Consequently lacks the parliamentary conflict in all its glory, which in Italy we know well. The Regency of Yves Leterme will also be a weak point for democracy, but involves some benefits. First: Ministerial expenses are reduced to a minimum. Second: the Regent Prime Minister works on shelter by parliamentary bickering between Walloons and Flemings, can then operate on the basis of common sense and not to the point of mediation. Third: the same Leterme is exempted from the adoption of measures elettoralistico, and was able to present a financial unpolluted (for understood, no corporate assatanati amendments: localistici or also in Italy we know them well).
At the same time, the premier can play without a care tasks within the jurisdiction of the Federal Government, Regent or less which is: has chaired the European Union in the second half of last year, and has also shipped some F-16 in Libya with the unanimous approval of Parliament.Foreign Affairs and defence, such as social security, 95 per cent of the taxation, addresses economic, telecommunications, in short everything that touches the "national interest", is the responsibility of the Central Government. The rest, it's good to know, is entrusted with five other Governments, regional and community. Is federalism that holds the Belgian corpaccione, or at least that ensures an easy survival by 452 days ago. It puts him at the shelter, however, from a possible evaporation State and policy of Yugoslavia, even in the absence of armed conflict. It would be the task of political forces, now in mothballs. But that's another story, neither administrative nor accounting officer.
from The daily event of September 8, 2011
Previous to this articoloBelgio, the "flood" of Flanders
point to the secessioneBelgio, the Socialists try to form
the Government (which is missing for a year)
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