Special troops of the JSOC, however only the center of a galaxy of organizations, groups, public and private – structures – created after 11 September and increased dramatically in the past ten years. It is, wrote last December, the "Washington Post", "a top-secret world become increasingly large and secret, so that you do not know how much money costs, how many people use, such as agencies to do the same work". The numbers are astonished. 1271 federal agencies and private companies working today 1931 as part of counter-terrorism. The budget for the security of the United States is now 75 billion (21 and a half times that before September 11). About 854 million people in the country have credentials "top-secret". From September 2011 in Washington, and in the immediate vicinity, 33 were built office complexes that do intelligence work (this is an area 22 times larger than that occupied by the Congress). Analysts and experts on terrorism released 50 thousand reports each year. And many government agencies end up doing the same work, creating waste and confusion (for example, 51 federal organizations follow the flow of money to and from terrorist groups).
"It's a disastrous phenomenon, of which no one speaks – tells us David Cole, Georgetown University-Constitutionalist. But is this the real legacy of September 11: a mysterious security industry and expensive ". The "mystery" of this industry was acknowledged by former Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, who last December explained that "the growth of intelligence after 11 September was such, that is a real challenge to embrace the whole". The Department of Defense there is a small group of officers, called "Super Users", with the exclusive power to know and to coordinate the work of all structures of intelligence. "But I won't live long enough to know them all," said anonymously to "Washington Post" one of these "Super Users". When the retired General John r. Vines (a type tosto, who has commanded 145 thousand soldiers in Iraq) has been assigned the task of evaluating the effectiveness and cost structure, its conclusions were disarming: "the complexity of the challenge any system description".
The "Octopus" American security is well grown and escape to its creators, and today moves without controls and, probably, without a "head". The "Octopus" American security has meant a huge river of money pumped into the pockets of individuals. Thousands of employees of companies linked to the Pentagon – contractors – ended up in these years in war zones. The system today is that there is a contractor for each American soldier (the ratio was a contractor for every eight soldiers at the time of the war in Viet Nam). When, the next year, the American soldiers will leave so now the Afghanistan, to be replaced by 5000 private guards to provide security.
The transition to private operations of war proved disastrous, in moral terms and materials. Blackwater contractors were firing on civilians, and to kill 17 in one of the most infamous episodes of the war in Iraq, in Baghdad in 2007. Have been contracted by the Pentagon – without resorting to an auction – to conduct at least 30 billion wasted in the last year (I revealed a bipartisan Congressional Commission). It was the ever-closer relationship between the Government and private individuals to bring so many American officials to work, pagatissimi, private security companies (James Woolsey, former CIA Chief, was hired by Booz Allen; William Studeman and Barbara McNamara, driving the National Security Agencys, gone are respectively to Northrop Grumman and CACI). Anyone who has tried to remedy the situation of waste and nepotism has often paid personally. The New York Times told the story of an official of the Pentagon, Charles Smith, removed from his post after reported one billion dollars of unjustified expenditures by KBR, then part of Holliburton, among the most powerful army suppliers.
The list would still be long, and should clearly understand the tremendous costs paid at home, in the United States, to prevent a new attack. L-3 has obtained contracts from 900 million dollars to provide American airports of full-body scanners (although a report by the Government Accountability Office "defines" not clear "the ability of the new scanners to identify more sophisticated explosive devices). And every building "sensitive" by Washington and other American cities has been equipped with control and safety equipment provided and managed by individuals: often "escort-required badges", x-ray machines, technologically impenetrable, protected by alarms and security units able to respond within 15 minutes (also have a name: "sensitive compartmented information facility). A good portion of the over 75 billion provided by Congress to improve safety at home is so finite pockets of security industry, quickly became one of the most lucrative and impressive in the country.
Earlier this September 11 articoloUsa, ten years after
How has changed the economiaUn children's book about September 11
And ' controversy on "Muslim extremists"
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