The Palestinian national authority, Hamas officially riconciliatasi last may, has earmarked the 3.5 per cent of national budgets in support of the family of the dead in suicide bombings. To make known the Palestinian newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadida. In soldoni is "an average of 3,129 Israeli shekels (about 600 euros) per head", really not bad if you think that "a public employee takes home about 2882 Israel shekels (550 euro)". Fed are also grants the Palestinians imprisoned in Israel. "Every terrorist in prison, including those that have resulted in the deaths of Israeli civilians, are on the payroll of the Palestinian Authority," said Itamar Marcus of Palestinian Media Watch. These money are most often paid to the families of prisoners in proportion to the years of condemnation. We talk about 350 euros for a sentenced to less than three years and up to 3000 euros for those who take more than 30 years.
Inevitably part of these funds are taken by the European international aid earmarked for Palestine. Among the major donors are the Sweden. The Swedish Conservative daily Svenska Dagbladet is ironically noted that in Palestine "should more step jump in the air rather than work". But the majority of European aid are from Britain, where in recent weeks the controversy rages on usage view especially crisis and social unrest erupted in his homeland. According to the Daily Mail, from London leave every year with destination East Jerusalem about 86 million pounds (122 million euros), of which 3 million are in the pockets of Palestinian prisoners in Israel.
"We are very careful how we spend our money to the Palestinian occupied territories," he said in February the British Minister for international development Alan Duncan. A reassurance that is putting Downing Street sheltered from criticism of the use of international funds, especially in times of economic crisis. The pressure is increased further after the announcement of the Government to increase aid of 35% by 2015. David Cameron had to admit that it is a "very difficult commitment" in times when the British were forced to pull strap.
Despite the attacks of the oppositions, discounted is however difficult to impute responsibility to European Governments that cannot decide how to use the funds that are earmarked over the Mediterranean. But the State of Israel does not stop blowing on the fire of controversy, and speaks openly of financing Palestinian terrorists ". Already a couple of years ago, Israeli activists had harshly criticized the European Union for having financed, according to them, the curricula anti Israel promoted by the Palestinian Authority. Meanwhile Catherine Ashton, High Representative for Foreign Affairs, although not intervened directly on the issue, it is often spending in favour of Palestine and the rights of its inhabitants.
Meanwhile the 20 September is waiting the historic United Nations decision on the recognition of a Palestinian State. Whether and how this decision will affect European international aid towards Ramallah and Gaza city all to see.
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